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Satsang With Ma: About Satsang

25 December 2012 One Comment Print article Print article

With the following teaching Ma shows us that satsang is open to us at all times, no matter where she is.

Devotee: I don’t really understand what satsang is.

Shri Anandi Ma: “Sat” is the truth, and “sang” is company. So, very literally, “satsang” means being in the company of Truth. At the very basic level of understanding and practice, satsang means that you sit in the company of a person who is reminding you of the truth, guiding you toward the truth. The saint or the Teacher who has seen, experienced, and become one with the truth is the most powerful energy, tool or force that can spontaneously bring you in contact with the absolute truth.

So when you are sitting at home on your asan doing your practices, repeating the Guru mantra or meditating, that is satsang. When you’re reading a book on spirituality or the life of a saint, or a scripture, you’re reminding yourself of the truth, and that is satsang. If you are listening to a recording of chants that is satsang as well.

But whenever you expose yourself to that energy—whether it is through words, meditation, listening to the scriptures, chanting or whatever the spiritual practice may be— that is also satsang.

So when you are sitting at home on your asan doing your practices, repeating the Guru mantra or meditating, that is satsang. When you’re reading a book on spirituality or the life of a saint, or a scripture, you’re reminding yourself of the truth, and that is satsang. If you are listening to a recording of chants that is satsang as well.

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are doing it, if it is taking you toward the Truth, it is satsang.

Whatever you are doing, wherever you are doing it, if it is taking you toward the Truth, it is satsang.


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One Comment »

  • Rama (Rafiki) Franklin said:

    What is always so sweet about Shri Anandi Ma’s teachings is that she lovingly and patiently expands our understanding of concepts beyond the basic which helps us to awaken to exactly that at all times…the truth!

    With much gratitude and love,

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