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Ma’s Blessing on Guruji’s Birthday, 2013

26 January 2013 3 Comments Print article Print article


Shri Anandi Ma gave the following talk at the ashram in Nikora, India on the occasionof Dhyanyogi Madhusudandasji’s birthday in January, 2013.


By guru’s grace, this entire universe is operating in both the animate and inanimate aspects. To such a being, my guru, who is without any qualities and is very gentle, caring and loving, to such a guru I bow down.


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we are celebrating the 135th birth anniversary of our very precious and beloved guru. With every passing year, His divinity, His unique and exclusive states and energy continue to be an expanding experience of great value and benefit, and this limited and restricted mind is amazed at grasping all of that. The fact of His entrance into our lives and His constant presence and energy become an added factor. The inner experiences of His love, His grace, and His knowledge are a matter of great surprise and awe.

The inner experiences of His love, His grace, and His knowledge are a matter of great surprise and awe.

Guruji deeply loved the Ramayana, the Tulsi Ramayana particularly, and in various parts of that scripture, the description of the values and qualities of the true disciple and the true guru are expressed. Whenever I read the Ramayana, the characteristics, qualities, and virtues of the Lord through Ram are clearly visualized; with every passage—and because I had the opportunity to be with Guruji—it is apparent, very crystal clear that Guruji was none different than Lord Ram.

Every atom of His being was filled with the joy and the qualities and characteristics of the divine; His heart was an infinite ocean of love and compassion. It is said that to melt butter, some heat is required, but Guruji’s heart was softer than butter and melted when He saw the pain and suffering of others. I have many times witnessed that infinite flow of tears from His eyes upon seeing the suffering, the pain of disciples.

Guruji was a truly accomplished being in the absolute sense, and His goal in life was to find “my lost stars” and release them from the endless cycles of pain and the cycle of life and death. His jewelry, His ornaments were nothing but simplicity and compassion, and I have never yet seen the depth of beauty of these qualities in any other person. We as disciples have to deeply inscribe these very qualities upon our hearts, our minds, and even on our souls, and thereby move forward.

Ask for grace from the guru, from the lineage and from Lord Ram that you may be able to overcome any limitations and weaknesses and truly inherit those absolute qualities of the ideal true disciple.

What then is left to be done? There is only one more thing to do. The question that needs to be asked is, Am I a true disciple? Even as I speak these words, the answer is coming from within your heart. Whatever may be the answer from your inner self, I need not know that, but on this anniversary of Guruji’s birth, please do a sankalpa that you do whatever you can, whatever is possible to become more and more like Him. Ask for grace from the guru, from the lineage and from Lord Ram that you may be able to overcome any limitations and weaknesses and truly inherit those absolute qualities of the ideal true disciple.

The scriptures state that the true guru is not the physical body but the energy of God that works through the guru. The scriptures also state that the person who, after accepting a guru and following a path, sees the guru and God as different lacks the full benefit of attaining the absolute. With the words of the great sages and of the Lord Himself spoken through the scriptures, we must understand and accept what we need to do as disciples in order to attain that absolute.

His goal in life was to find “my lost stars” and release them from the endless cycles of pain and the cycle of life and death.

Over the years, from the day I met Guruji and continued to be with Him from the age of about fourteen, thousands of people came to Him and many have come to me seeking many types of blessings. Asking for blessings from the guru is of course appropriate as an interaction at a mental or physical level; it’s an interaction at the physical level of God’s creation and reality. But the truth is that there is no need to ask for blessings from the guru once that connection is made. Once the sun has risen, the light and its heat are a natural phenomenon; you need not ask for either of them. Similarly, once infinite grace is achieved through a process like shaktipat, love and blessings are spontaneous and continuously flowing so it is a redundant thought to ask for those things again. In critical situations, when there are difficulties or major blocks in worldly or spiritual life, then of course it is quite acceptable to ask for a little more of that grace and energy and compassion to help with that limitation. But if there is 100% faith and dedication, then even that is not necessary and becomes redundant.

It is ideal not to ask for worldly benefits from the guru because that is like standing in front of a king who has infinite wealth and just asking for a quarter. The guru is able to give something far more infinite and superior: the knowledge of who am I. If you have asked for a blessing for some worldly matter and it doesn’t come to pass, then losing the faith, entertaining doubt, or even worse still moving on to seek another teacher or a path, is inappropriate and shows a lack within yourself. Faith and patience are the virtues of the spiritual path.

Whatever comes in life is the result of our own karma from past lives, and oftentimes it is best, as seen by the guru, that the person undergoes that with faith and patience.

The guru is not there to improve your physical worldly life. He or she is there to take your soul to that state of liberation. Whatever comes in life is the result of our own karma from past lives, and oftentimes it is best, as seen by the guru, that the person undergoes that with faith and patience. If instead of behaving like a mature adult you behave like a kid, like a teenager and rebel, stamping around and angry, that doesn’t serve the purpose of the true bond. We must have the faith and trust that whatever the guru is doing is in our best interests, that we should allow it to unfold and let nothing, absolutely nothing keep us from achieving that final state of liberation, of freedom.

Purity is the key factor in the life of the disciple. We must learn to interact in life with faith, patience and the primary axiom of yoga—non-violence in thought, word, and deed. Also, we must develop the qualities of dedication and loyalty to the guru. The ajna, or the command, of the guru is the key factor in the guru-disciple relationship. Guruji was very loving and kindhearted; there was no command that came from Him. All He said was that the command center is within you; that is, practice to open your third eye. The way to do that is with the two simple tools that he taught—meditation and the Ram mantra, the gifts he gave at the time of shaktipat. So even that wish or that command is not from Him, it is within you for your benefit, for you to raise yourself from that state of humanity to that state of divinity. Through purity and practice, the more you meditate and do japa of the mantra, the more you expand your capacity to inherit and be showered with His grace, love, and compassion.

Through purity and practice, the more you meditate and do japa of the mantra, the more you expand your capacity to inherit and be showered with His grace, love, and compassion.

Any factors of doubt, fear, and mistrust won’t permit that capacity to expand and all of the grace, while still flowing, will be lost. But if you remain firm, determined, and loyal, and never allow that faith to be shaken by anything internal or external, then you will attain everything of this life and of the life after as well. Nourishing the roots of the tree of life will keep it ever green and will provide that shade and that comfort on the passage toward the infinite.

The guru is not an astrologer, and does not make forecasts. Guruji, although knowing everything, kept extremely silent. When I met Him in Bhandwad, He said that whenever any person comes, everything is crystal clear to Him about that person—past, present and future—just like an X-ray or these days what we call an MRI; but He never uttered a word about that to anyone. Whatever needed to be done, that level of grace was there, and will continue to remain infinitely to remove any blocks. But His subtle help is also always there with you now, whether you are aware of it or not. Just as when the potter is making a pot, one hand is visible but the other hand, supporting and giving it shape, is inside the pot, invisible and internal. So never doubt, never have the fear that His love, His grace, His support is not with you. It will be there eternally. He used to say if you have an experience of that presence at the subtle level, don’t think it is a ghost and drive it away.

You can support the liberation of another soul by exposing them to the guru, to the guru’s energy, to the work. Such positive or good karma is the greatest fire ceremony, as the scriptures state.

Spiritual practice is the key along with actions that are not detrimental to the work of the guru, that do not create obstacles or blocks. That is the role of the disciple, and also to be with others in such a way that we become tools to support the growth of other souls toward that final goal of freedom. You can support the liberation of another soul by exposing them to the guru, to the guru’s energy, to the work. Such positive or good karma is the greatest fire ceremony, as the scriptures state. We may do many external fire ceremonies, but the most significant one is this internal one of leading another soul to God.

So today on this auspicious day, I pray to Guruji, to all the masters of the lineage, and to the Lord Himself, that by their grace you become the best disciple, and that others have the vision, through you, of our guru’s divinity, love, compassion, and the greatness that He had achieved. In ancient times, a person identified himself or herself as the disciple of a particular guru, and based upon the qualities exhibited by the disciple, the community came to know the greatness of the guru. So it is through your actions that others see the truth about the guru.

Shri Ramachandra bhagavan ki jai!

Sadaguru Deva ki jai!

Narmade mata ki jai!


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  • Barbara Elerick said:

    My deepest pranams in gratitude and humility for making the direct webcast of Guruji’s birthday celebration available to all of us. Although I had not been able to be there in person, the blessings of the shakti were so palpable that I felt I actually had been there !
    Thanks so very much also for making the text of Ma’s speech available in writing so I could print it out, along with the beautiful photos and read, re-read and contemplate Her words of divine wisdom.
    Sita Ram

  • satya said:

    The subtleties of deep truth and guidance in this talk are exquisite to read. I felt the energy of it during the webcast and am very grateful to now have the text so i can go revisit anytime.

  • Sagar Ghanwat said:

    Shri Sadguru Dhyani Parmamtmane Nam:
    Param Pujya Gurudevta Shri Aanandi Ma ki Jay
    Pujya Bapuji ki Jay

    By reading this sacreed speech given by Ma at Nikora Ashram I learned many lessons and it gave me new vision to look at this path, guru and sadhna.

    I need your valuable guidence, love and blessings forever.
    Please forgive me for my mistakes and bless me with capability to make right decisions at right time.

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