Articles in the yogic lifestyle category

ayurveda, yogic lifestyle »

[Jun 21, 2010]

Looking to keep cool and comfortable? Here are some quick tips from The Ayurveda Institute  for summer well-being. Eat a pitta-pacifying diet Go to bed by 11pm and get up early Do regular yoga, meditation, and pranayama Keep cool by applying sandalwood or khus oil to the body Wear a hat when outdoors and use
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experiences, yogic lifestyle, young disciples »

[May 22, 2010]

Last summer, Anandi Ma offered shaktipat and VP 1 in Prague. Four young people—Vital (age 16), Hubert (Satyam) (age 10½), Meera (age 10), and Krystof (Amar)—received shaktipat and took the VP 1 teachings. Here are their experiences: Amar Question: What was your favorite part of the retreat or shaktipat? Meera: I liked completely everything.  During
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recipes, yogic lifestyle »

[May 22, 2010]

Chai – that warm cardamom-scented sweet goodness with a kick of caffeine- is the traditional tea of India, and a favorite of DYC retreat goers. In the past, some have been put off from making it at home thinking it requires hard to find ingredients and mystical powers. Not so. If you don’t have an
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ayurveda, teachings, yogic lifestyle, yogic philosophy »

[May 11, 2010]

by Dr. Vasant Lad Editors note: Part One of this series is available here. Astrological Time A person’s life has different planetary periods, called dashas. These are governed by one or other of the astrological planets. For instance, when a person passes through a Saturn period, it can be a very difficult time. In the
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ayurveda, recipes, yogic lifestyle »

[Apr 21, 2010]

Kitchari, a simple dish made from yellow lentils and rice, is known in Ayurvedic circles for it’s digestibility and cleansing properties. But you don’t have to eat it just because it’s good for you – it’s also the perfect comfort food. And, it’s really simple to make. There are as many different recipes for making
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ayurveda, teachings, yogic philosophy »

[Apr 20, 2010]

By Vasant Lad The ancient Ayurvedic texts speak a great deal about time. According to Vaisheshika’s philosophy of the creation of the Universe, there are nine causative substances: The five elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth), Atma (the conscious principle), manas (the mind), dig (direction), and kala (time). In the journey of consciousness into matter,
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